March 6, 2014

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

 I know all we hear about these days is the weather, the cold, the ice, and the snow. But in all reality- does this weather have you feeling a bit blah and so ready for a change?  If your answer is yes I am right there with you.  I find myself missing those weekend getaways that are so simple in the summer, but these trips take on a new level of difficulty when you are planning around freezing temperatures and snow storms.

One thing that helps keep me motivated during these colder months is by planning.  Ted and I always try to have a trip we are researching and planning.  There is something so exciting about searching the web, keeping track of notes, and laying out your schedule to fit everything in.  The trip doesn't have to be anything big, just something fun to plan and look forward to.  

Need an idea to get planning?  My favorite Michigan vacation and an absolute must visit- Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. So take a look at these photographs and get yourself planning!  And if vacation planning isn't in your agenda today, maybe just take a look at these pictures and enjoy all of this blue sky- the sunshine will be here soon, I just know it!

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